The Democrat-News from Fredericktown, Missouri (2024)

-j 'j i '1 -i A i A 1 1 1 FREDERICKTOWN, MO, AUGUST 10, 1944 NUMBER 31 mu. nua. oucieiy On A Transport For Three Years A STORY OF PROGRESS John Schulte recalled thk week that it wu forty-five years ago that ha went to work in what wu then the blacksmith shop of the late F. J. Parkin, and which developed into the Schulte Manufacturing Co.

At that time the old Cahoon home wu the only one that had any kind of plumbing in it. As Mr. Schulte remembers it, two at three years later water wu put into the homes of M. Blanton and R. Chilton and perhaps another a two.

The Schultes have installed a majority of the modem plumbing systems in Fredericktown during that more than forty years of service. Three Business Changes Effected C. W. Flanery thk week bought the service station and cafe business of Arch Mill on Highway 81, immediately north of town. The change will become effective just quickly as the two men can certain necessary adjustments.

Mr. Milk is understood to plan to engage in the trucking business. Mr. Flanery, who hu been employed at Mine La Motte, giving up hk employment there. He hu had extensive experience in the cafe and service station business.

Another change in business to occur during the week wu the sale of the Marinella Beauty Shop by Mrs. Florida Jones to Mrs. Elizabeth Meador. Mrs. Meador will take charge at once while Mrs.

Jones plans to leave soon with her husband. Rev. Larry Jones, who will attend a seminary in Chicago. He graduates thk summer from McKen-dree College at Lebanon, XU. A third sale of busineu to be effected thk week that of the Womack Hotel Cafe to Mr.

and Mrs. Penn, of Troy, Mo. They plan to thoroughly modernizer the place and make it an attractive and popular eating place. Mrs. Penn the former Virginia Sebastian and she and her husband have had extensive cafe experience.

Mr. Womack hu found it necessary to dispose of the cafe because the management of the Womack and Madison Hotek and the Greyhound and Missouri Pacific bus depots require all hk time. Sixteen To Go To Army; 12 Others Called Eetoetlvs Berries Authorities Shew Renewed Interest In Material at The Armed Forces. After a lull so prolonged that it appeared the Selective Service authorities had lost interest in Madison county, activity wu resumed again this week. There are sixteen men leaving for Jefferson Barracks August 21st for induction into the armed forces.

Three of these are volunteers, namely: Carl Eugene Harper, John Wayman LaChance, and Staling Eugene Ivy, all of Fredericktown. The other inductees are Paul A Mousa, Marquand; Basil Ward Whitworth, Route Harold Frederick Matthews, Route Aubrey Earnest Myers, Buck-horn; John Howard Sunderman, City; Leo Harrjr Francis, City; Medford James Darnell, City; Holla Rufus Skaggs, City; Forrest Otto White, City; Hartford Basil Welker, City; Oscar Harding Harpa, Mine La Motte; Walter Warren City; and Arley Sanford Kennedy, City. A call hu ahjo been issued for twelve youngsters for pre-induction examination, and the following will go to Jefferson Barracks on August 15th for that purpose. They are: Ralph Waldo Wag-gana, City; Defbert Clecy Settle, Zion; Cal Ray; Shram, Route Charley I Smith, City; Melvin W. Stevans, Zion; Charles Franklin Skaggs, Route Otto Hugh Sen ter, Buckhorn; Paul William Robinson, City: Uoyd Franck, City; and William Mina Pickert, City.

Two have been transferred to thk county. They are Henry William Francis, St Louis, and Marvin Lecsie Pogue, San Francisco, California. Overturn Of -Truck Fatal Ta Driver Archie Milter lastaaity Kilted As Heavily Leaded IM Overtons Ob' Highway 67 La Zioo Reeflaa. Archie G. Milter, 2 employe of the Fredericktown Milling wu instantly killed Friday morning when the heavily loaded trailer trade he wu driving, turned over on Highway 67, near the Twelve Mile Church.

Hk body wu pinned in the wracked cab of the tractor and wu removed with some difficulty. Robert Shetley, who wu with Milter when the accident occur-ed, wu practically uninjured, and it wu tram him the story of the tragedy wu obtained. Milter and Shetley left the mill early in the morning with a heavy load of feed end flour for delivery to points south. Driving at a reasonable speed they approached a curve, Milter readied down to the floor board to pick up some object Noticing that the machine wu veering somewhat he made an effort to right it At that point he momentarily lost control and the heavy machine jack-knifed and went into the ditch. He fou caught and crashed, white Shetley wu thrown free The Webb-Holt mmiw brought the body to town and a perfunctory inquest wu held that afternoon.

The tragedy is heightened by the fed that Milter ia survived by a wife, formerly Mka Goldie Stroup, and three email children, Helen, 11? Betty, and Winifred, 4. The family lived on the Paul Skaggs form three mites west of Fredericktown. Miller wu bom in the little Vine community, a son of John and Mary Milter. Hk father died three years ago, but his mother living. George Milter of Fredericktown a brother and Mrs.

Herbert Adams and Mn. Norman Pogue of Route 2 are sisters. He hu been employed by the Fredericktown Milling Co. a driver for the past two years. He had previously spent several yean in the mines.

Funeral services wen held from the Christian Church Sunday afternoon, August 9th, with Webb-Holt in charge of arrange, mente. Rev. Lawrence Lewk wu in charge of religious services and burial wu in the new Masonic Cemetery. $254,000 In Bonds Bought In Drive Final figures on Madison county's accomplishment in the lata Btrnd Drive became available thk week. Thk county, with a quota of $17(1000; bought $254000 worth of Uncle Sams papa, end did it easily.

The county reedy to take on another one, which expected to come about Armistice Dear. Only three counties in tile state of Missouri foiled to meet its as-signed quota. One of them wu Bollinga. Another Splurge 1 1 Of Buying Farms And Houses Noted Predictions that the county-wide wave of buying houses and forma would soon subside hu been proyen wrong. They wont stay sold, and several pieces of property have changed hands several times within the put year.

MT. and Mrs. John Pinegu thk week bought the two-story home of Mr. and Mrs. Jen Milk at the intersection of Mine La Motte and East College avenues.

The Mills have owned the property two at thru years. Pinegars will move from the rented Russell house aoon Milk find another place. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milk thk morning bought P.

Richard's house on Marshall street, and hope to occupy it within the next thru or four weeks. Mrs. Blanche Ramsey hu sold ha two-story home on East Mar. vin avenue to Mr. and Mrs.

Bob Edwards. It said the price wu $2600. The Edwards bought the propatyi ako the furnishings, an investment. Mrs. Ramsey, after a visit with a daughter at St.

Louk and a son at Bellvilte, 111., will go to Jack-son, Michigan, to make ha hone. Three daughters live there. Roy Shfctley handled the deal. Frank Clubb hu sold hk home in north town to Curtk Burnham. Shetley ako handled thk transaction.

One of the very good farms of the Casta community changed hands thk week when Emuel West sold hk farm near Hahn'i Mill to Bay Martin for a conaid-aation said to be $9000. Oliva Derrington, a bus driver, thk week bought Clyde Richeys house at 303 Virginia avenue. The price reported to be $4300. The houu modern and one of the nice houses of the neighborhood. Roy Shetley represented both parties in the trade.

J. A Bray and Thomas Cheek thk week exchanged property. Mr. Bray traded hk house on Saline street to Mr. Cheek for hk 4-acre farm a mite east of Fredericktown.

As soon details are arranged, the Brays will move to the form and Mr. Cheek will move to the town property. The Walton property on south High street wu sold thk week to Ralph Myers, an employe of the St Joseph Lead Co. The property wu owned by Mrs. W.

F. Talley and the heirs of the late Mrt. Ida Beard. Myers expect to occupy it a home as soon the present occupants can vacate. Roy Shetley handled the deal.

An undivided interest in the Forsyth home on West Marvin wu sold at an administrator's ate at the court home Monday. Melvin Engkhart bought the property. W. P. OBrien thk week bought a lot on North Main street from Bob McFarland.

Absentee Voteg ChangedNo Results An official check of the primary vote wu made Friday of teat week, bbt without any change that materially effected any candidacy. Only 38 Democratic abaentoa votes were cast The Republican candidates, however, had waked that angle much more vigorously and they east about 160 votes. Organizations Geared To Picnic Effort Meeting Monday Night Sets Up Machinery Far Celebration. Band Training For The Event Enthusiastically determined to make the 1044 Labor Day Picnic the biggest and best and most profitable in the last decade, an organization meeting was held at the Park Monday evening, with representatives of service dubs and civic-minded groups in attendance. As a first order of business it was unanimously agreed to devote every cent of profit to the liquidation of the debt of the City Park and start a fund to be used in building a grandstand for the ball park as soon as war conditions permit Spokesmen for the Rotary Club, the Lions Club and the American Legion pledged those organizations to active participation, including a day of tremendous effort as a direct contribution.

The Lions Club will, as formerly, undertake the gigantic lunch room. In point of quality of food and efficiency of service the lions did a wonderfully fine Job last year, and Herbert Kinder, as chairman, expects to mobilize the entire membership for service this year. The American Legion has a-greed to take over and manage the cold drink stand. John Walker and Dick Johnson will be co-chairmen and they expect to pick a group of workers that will get the Job done. lhThe Dairy Stand will be managed by Loren Gafin, assisted by a bunch of good men.

This wu a popular and profitable stand last year. The Bingo division will be managed by M. W. Parkin and Silas Dees. A staff of active young women is being organized for this task, which is always one of the popular stands.

W. W. Eaton, of long experience, will be in charge of the Novelty and Fkh Pond concessions. Joe Graham and Ed Osborne have done such a good Job at the doll rack that their assignment to that job almost permanent George Myers has taken over management of the Dime Board, which expected to be one of the popular attractions of the picnic. Two money boards will be operated, one by Frank Pirtle and Bob Buzbee and the other by Joe Dollinger and Mertic Cruse.

These boards will furnish plenty of fun, and even if the skillful boys raid them to a considerable extent and unless the picnic loses too heavily, they will be maintained. Frank Gillett will at the Horsehoe Game. W. Masterson and lYitz Prokopf will operate the Cat Game, Mn Hr Graham has charge as usual, of the Hoopla stand. There are other stands and concessions tar which management has not been definitely secured, and if there any one thing for which someone willing to volunteer, the fact should be reported.

The Shoe Factory Band being revamped for the occasion and in training. It wffl give a series of concerts during the day. Estes Smith Is Lieutenant Colonel Major F. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.

C. T. Smith, wu advanced to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel thk week, according to information received yesterday. Col Smith hu been commanding officer of the 96th Chemical Battalion at Camp Livingston, La. fa several months.

He hu been In the chemical warfare division since he joined the armed services early in the war. He recently sold a chemical plant he operated in Texas prior to the war. September Term Jurors Are Chosen Judge Norwln D. Homer, of the Circuit Court met with the County Court thk morning and selected the following, petit jury for the September term: St' Michael Henry Schwaner, Chas. Hovls, Bailey Reese, Ralph Hokhouaa, Henry Martin, J.

W. Banes, Ben Rhodes, Lee Olsen, A H. Thost, George Rodenburg, Henry Wayland. Alternates, John Donoho, John Beck, Arthur Copeland, Earl Graham, John Pinegar, Harry Lietz, Tom Smith, Cola LaPlant, J. A Bray, Lloyd Abernathy, Robt.

McFarland. Polk Leo Mattingly, Carl Kessler. Alternates, Ted Allen, Wm. Brewen. Mine La Motte Alex Wampler; alternate, Forrest Vishino.

Cutor Ed Morris, Claud Berry. Alternates, Ralph Nation, Oscar Brown. Marquand Tom J. Brotherton, H. Lorance, C.

Welker. Alternates, Henry Moyers, Ford Sitzes, Frank Stevens. Big Creek Lloyd Gibson. Alternates, Otto Senter. Liberty FYed Baggett Alternate, Elmer Horton.

Central Truman Whitener. Alternate, Irvin Huffman. St Franco Lindell Maze. Alternate, Oku Clausa. Twelve Mite Geage Hinkle.

Alternate, Glen Milter. Miss Ethel Smith Married In Hawaii News readied here this week of the marriage, on July 24th, of Miss Ethel Smith and Dr. Ralph Hoeber, at Hilo, Hawaii Both are. members: of -the faculty of the University of Hawaii. Dr.

Hoeba is a Portland, Ore. man. He hu a doctor! degree in tew and will take another doctors degree in philosophy at the University of Wisconsin next lummtt. He heads the department of public speaking at the university. Miss Smith, who grew up in thk community, and taught in the local schools, went to the Hawaiian Islands head of the teacher training 'department of the university a few years ago.

TROUBLE: NO STICKER Federal agents were hero the past week ducking on the purple auto use stamp. A large number of ears didn't bear them. The agents took the necessary data and will report to the United Statu District Attorney. There mag be man trouble in the offing. Harold Mooer on a Mg tram-port, the Orizaba, in the Pacific.

He haa been in the Navy aince about the first of March, 1041, and presumably haa had a lot to do with moving our troopa a-round when they an so effectively operating. He is won at Mrs. Solon Moaer, near Oak Grove. His father died tiro weeks ago. Dale Moser Also In Pacific Area This Dale Moser, a brother of Harold.

He is also in the Pacific ana, and helping nan one of Unde Sams famous LSTs. On the 10th of May, his eighteenth birthday, he wrote his parents from New Calrflonia, and other letten Indicate he on the move almost constantly. He got into overseas service pretty quickly for he enlisted on the 20th of January, this year, had his training at Farragut, enjoyed a furlough at home, and then went to Still In Pacific Area This Scaaua Virgil Stacy, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stacy.

He is a neighbor and friend at the Mooer brothers and he and Dale Maser left for service Dm same day. Hb service is also in the Pacific. Minister OnSOth Birthday The congregation of the Spring Valley Metholist Church tendered their pastor, Rev. M. A Myers, a basket dinner observance of hk 80th birthday anniversary Sunday of last week.

The dinner, spread uq(ter the trees near the church, wu a distinct surprise. Rev. Myers started hk ministerial career at Hinkleville, Ky. in 1891. He came to the St.

Louk Conference in 1908 and hu held important pastorates since. He became a superanuate a few years ago, but continued supplying churches wherever the need appeared. Despite hk 80 years, Rev. Myers drives hk garden tractor, walks with the spring of youth, and a few days ago wu noticed on the top of hk chicken house repairing the roof. Any Old Paper? Its War Material The Boy Scouta of America, who have been rendering yeoman service to the nation by salvaging waste paper, have been asked by the War Production Board to make a special effort in the collection of waste paper during the months of August and September.

Each Scout who in collecting a total of 1,000 pounds of waste paper during the program will receive a certificate of merit from the War Production Board. Waste paper wu material shortage No. Almost all of the supplies sent to our fighting men are packed in, made of, or protected by paper. TYoop 27 of rredericktown will make another waste papa collection on August 18. TYoop 28 of Fredericktown will collect wute papa in September.

Magazines, books and newspapers should be tied in bundles. Waste basket papa must be flattened and packed down in boxes at bundles that can be carried. Corrugated and cardboard boxes should also be flattened and tied in bundles. Three Children Are Community Problem A sordid affair came to public attention here thk week when Mrs. Emma Edmond and George Murphy were sentenced to 60-day jail termi for lewdness.

They are now serving their sentences. The information wu prepared by Prosecuting Attorney Meagher and they were arrested by Sheriff Ward. They plead not guilty and were tried before Judge DeClue. Sentencee wu imposed after the woman's husband and ion testified against her. At the same time Prosecuting Attorney Meagher filed an information in Circuit Court alleging that Mrs.

Edmonds minor children, Orville, five; Betty, eight; and Martha, twelve, are neglected. Sheriff Ward recently took a fifteen-year-old daughter at Mrs. Edmond to the state institution at Marshall, after Judge Houser had so ordered. Henry Edmond the childrens fotha. STOLEN CAE RECOVERED Thieves made off last night with Eloiu Milk1 car in which the keys had been left it wu parked in front of ha home' at 136 Saline Street Officers were notified and a search started, but a truck driver found, the abandoned ear ten mites north of Greenville, out of gas, but -apparently uninjured.

Mias Mills and ha. fotha had been using the car and each thought the other had removed the ignition keys. A BILLINGS HAS RESIGNED Robt Billings, for more than two yean engineer id the Fredericktown Lead Co hu tendered hk resignation and will take an-othu position in the near future. Mr. Billings win remain with the local concern 1 until satisfactory arrangements ean be made.

SHETLEY TOPS LIST The honor roll of United Farm Agency salesmen for July headed with the name of Boy B. Shetley who bad the moat sates during that month. Thk something of a feat since the agency hu 80 aatesmen ova a territory of 7 states. Thk not the first time Mr. Shetley hu led the group in sales.

Thk is about the sixth time it hu happened, and Judging from the volume of busineu he hu been transacting the past week, the chances are that hk name will heed the list again. Mr. Shetley will be awarded $25.00 Wu Bond by the United Farm Agency. Trouble Halts Work At Citys Well 1 A broken casing; caased probably by a subterranean landslide, halted the drilling of the new city well for a few days thk week. With some difficulty the casings were pulled out and repaired, and apparently everything ready for a resumption of work.

The pump manufacturers have, however, notified the city that it may be November before a new pump can be delivered. BOY SCOUTS ADVANCE At the monthly Board at Review held Monday night three Boy Scouts of TYoop 28 made advancement Joe Bennett's application for Life award was approved and be received credit for merit badges in Athletics and Pioneering. Merit Badges In Handicraft and Poultry Keeping went to Bay Whitworth. Jack Bennett wu advanced to the rank of Pint Class Mr. and Mrs.

George Killian arrived here thk week from Detroit for a vacation and to visit numerous relatives and friends In thk county..

The Democrat-News from Fredericktown, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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