Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (2024)

How can we make Grain-Free Bread without almond, egg, dairy, soy, corn?

What planet are we on? Can we even make bread without grain, gluten, dairy, egg, soy, or corn? Most people say no, there’s no way to make bread the doesn’t taste like a shingle or a piece of sheetrock without these ingredients.

I disagree. I say,

But why?

Why would someone even want to bake bread without these ingredients?

Great question!

Most people who are interested in baking bread without the above ingredients do so because of allergies, chronic disease, or because they hope to reduce the inflammation in their bodies. Others are supporting a friend or family member on their journey towards better health.

If you are one of these people who is a supporting another by baking them this bread, thank you for helping them eat safely. I’m truly thankful that you spend your time searching for recipes to help them! You remind me that the world has good people in it, if we only chose to see them.

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (1)

Can you believe there isn’t any grain, gluten, egg, soy, or corn in this bread? Does it look much different than typical bread? No! And the taste isn’t much different either! We’re just going to use different ingredients to make it.

How is that even possible?

My name is Nina, I’m a food nerd who cooks and bakes without gluten, grain, dairy, egg, soy, corn, almond, cashew, or sesame.

When I tell people this, they often ask, What’s left to cook with?

I say, Unicorn Farts! and we both get to laugh.

The thought of cooking and baking without common ingredients is confusing to so many. After we finish laughing, I explain I use simple ingredients like chickpea flour, tapioca flour, and coconut flour, to bake delicious treats that no one believes are Grain-Free!

That’s kind of my thing, using alternative, allergen friendly ingredients, and creating recipes. As the name of my blog implies, I break things in the kitchen. I would love it if you would come behind the scenes with me every week and let me tell you more about it in my newsletter. You can subscribe by clicking here. I’m a food nerd and I love having foodie friends!

If this is your first time visiting, thank you for stopping by! If you are a returning reader, Grain-Free VIP, newsletter subscriber, or Facebook group member, thank you for all your help! You keep me on my toes. You inspire me to Break New Recipes each week.

Life is better with foodie friends, and I’m thankful to call you mine!

Let’s Get Back To Our Grain-Free Mini Loaves!

In this recipe, we’ll use different ingredients, but our foods can look and taste like the delicious traditional foods we all want in our lives!

What kind of ingredients are we going to use to make it? Unicorn Farts, of course! Maybe not.

We are going to use simple ingredients like chickpea flour, coconut flour, tapioca flour, coconut milk, sugar, salt, a little xanthan gum, and yeast!

Not all that different; right? All foods you’ve had before in one way or another. If you’re not familiar with xanthan gum, it’s used to replace gluten in many foods. Salad dressings, ice creams, seasonings, and even sauce mixes often use xanthan gum!

Why Bake Grain-Free Bread?

Back to our reason for doing this. It’s absolutely amazing that by changing the food we eat, we can change our health! And for those of us who need to feel less fatigue, reduce our inflammation, and enjoy the foods we love safely, it’s worth it! Recipes like these are a game changer.

Ten years ago, when my food allergies were first diagnosed, most people said I should get used to enjoying salad.

Yeah; no. I refuse to settle for salad.

While I avoid apples, almonds, bananas, beef, blueberries, cassava, corn, dairy, eggs, all grains, potatoes, pork, and soy, I don’t miss out on many of my favorite foods. Here’s are some of the foods I’ve been enjoying lately from my Instagram Feed. They’re all free of gluten, grain dairy, egg, soy and corn. Grain-free life is delicious!

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (2) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (3) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (4) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (5) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (6) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (7) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (8) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (9) Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (10)

Now, when people see what I eat, they ask me how I look so thin and healthy at 41 years old! I tell them I cook with Unicorn Farts!

Back to the Grain-Free Mini-Loaves, Foodie Friends!

These little loaves of grain-free bread are a huge win! They are so versatile.

First, you can use them as mini-slices of bread for toasting. But that’s not the only option. My fiancé and I used them for our Crostini, (click here for the recipe).

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (11)

What Else Can You Make With These Grain-Free Mini-Loaves?

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (12)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (13)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (14)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (15)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (16)

Aren’t These Mini-Loaves Marvelous?

It’s Easy To Forget They’re Grain-Free & Allergen Friendly!

These little loaves of grain-free allergen friendly bread don’t look much different than fresh bread from the bakery.

Are they hard to make?

They’re actually pretty easy!

No kneading by hand. The mixer does all the work.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

  • Heat the milk stir in sugar and oil in a saucepan
  • sprinkle yeast and stir
  • mix in chickpea flour and grain-free flour blend
  • sprinkle xanthan gum over the top
  • knead with mixer
  • shape,
  • rise
  • bake
  • cool & slice

Not bad for homemade grain-free bread! Don’t worry, I’m going to break it down for you step by step, first in the recipe, and then in photos! Whether you’ve baked before or this is your first time, this recipe is one you can make!

Now we haven’t talked budget…ingredients can get pricy. I can get a loaf of gluten free bread nearby for $10. Once I ask for something without egg, dairy, soy, corn, grains, or nuts; people tell me it’s not happening. Because it’s priceless…it just doesn’t exist where I live. That’s because the local bakers don’t know about Unicorn Farts!

I make my own grain-free breads and I save a lot of money! We’re going to make these Marvelous Mini- Loaves without gluten grain, dairy, egg, soy, or corn, for about $5 for 8 mini-loaves! Healthy bread at a bargain, the freshest you’ll ever find.



These ingredients and equipment are what I use in my own kitchen. In some cases I recommend a newer version of a tool, since I only upgrade my tools when they are truly broken. As an amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase anything through an affiliate link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for helping to “keep the lights on,” here at Break A Recipe.

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (17)

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Grain-Free, Vegan, Gluten-Free)

Tiny loaves of bread without gluten, grain, dairy, egg, soy, or corn. An allergen friendly crowd pleaser!

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 1 hour hr

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Brunch, Snack

Cuisine Allergen-Friendly, Gluten Free, Grain Free


  • Sauce Pan

  • Liquid Measuring Cups

  • Dry Measuring Cups

  • Adjustable measuring spoons

  • Wire Whisk

  • Candy Thermometer

  • Kitchen Scale

  • Stand Mixer with dough hook

  • Large Cutting Board

  • Mini-Loaf Pan


Wet Ingredients

  • ¼ Cup Refined coconut oil or vegan butter, plus more for greasing pan
  • 1 ¼ Cup Coconut milk heat in pan
  • Cup Coconut milk set aside for after yeast is added.
  • ¼ Cup White Sugar I use beet sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Yeast
  • ¼ Cup Chickpea Flour

Dry Ingredients

  • 4 Cups Grain-Free Flour Blend, plus more for shaping bread. (400 g)
  • 2 teaspoons Xanthan Gum
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • ¼ teaspoon Cream of Tartar
  • teaspoon Baking Soda


  • In a small sauce pan, melt refined coconut oil, add coconut milk, and whisk in sugar until dissolved.Transfer milk to the mixing bowl of your stand mixer.

  • Use a candy thermometer to check temperature of milk. When milk has cooled to between 120-110°F, sprinkle yeast over the top.Allow yeast to rest 10 minutes.Yeast will become foamy.Whisk yeast into milk.

  • Whisk in chickpea flour and additional 1/3 cup of coconut milk.

  • Using the dough hook on your stand mixer, mix in grain-free flour thoroughly using the lowest speed.Sprinkle xanthan gum, cream of tartar, and baking soda over the top of the dough.Mix thoroughly for a minute.

  • Increase mixer speed to 2, and "knead" dough for 9 minutes.

  • Grease a mini-loaf pan.Turn dough onto a lightly floured cutting board. With lightly floured hands, divide dough into 8 equal parts. Shape into mini loaves.Allow loaves to rise until doubled in size (I put them in an oven that has been warmed to 200 degrees F and then turned off. Doughdoubles in size after about 20 minutes.)

  • When mini-loaves have doubled in size, remove from oven.Preheat oven to 375°F.

  • Bake mini-loaves for 30 minutes.Remove loaves from oven. Cool completely and slice when cooled.


Looking for the link to the grain-free flour blend. Click here. It blends in 5 minutes. I blend 5 pounds at a time.

A chef friend of mine suggested I weigh my baking. I’m getting there. 400 g of my grain-free flour equals 4 cups. It definitely gives a more consistent loaf measuring this way!

If you prefer to use coconut oil, instead of refined coconut oil, the recipe will work just fine. The loaves will have a sweeter flavor.

I slice my mini loves on the long side for crostini and on the short side when I use them in place of crackers.

Keyword Allergen Friendly, appetizer, bread, dairy free, gluten-free bread, Grain-free bread, sandwich bread

Let’s See It Happen!

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (18)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (19)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (20)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (21)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (22)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (23)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (24)
Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (25)

Isn’t That Easy? It’s No More Difficult Than Any Other Bread!

What are You Going To Use The Marvelous Mini-Loaves For?

Toast? Crostini? Dip toasted slices in oil and herbs? Use them as crackers with Vegan cheese?

The Possibilities Are Endless When You

If you’re ready to run out, shop for your ingredients and bake up a batch of these marvelous mini-loaves, you won’t catch me complaining! If you’re a food nerd like me, you might want to hang out a bit and talk baking! It’s so exciting to learn how ingredients work!

Let’s look at our ingredients! What are we using? Why are we using it?

Grain-Free Flour Blend,

This takes the place of white flour in our bread. We blend it from three main ingredients: chickpea flour; tapioca flour; & coconut flour. While all the flours are gluten-free, chickpea gives us protein, tapioca gives us starch, and coconut gives us fiber. This and a little xanathan gum and we can create breads which just look and taste like the real thing!


The marvelous wonderful yeast will give lift to our little loaves. Remember to check the temperature of the milk using the candy thermometer so you will have fluffy little loaves. Killing the yeast with hot milk will produce some lovely door stops, but I do not recommend eating them!

White Sugar

(beet sugar or cane sugar)–many people ask if they can omit the sugar in bread, but it’s a vital ingredient! The sugar feeds the yeast. As the yeast grows, it consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide. That’s how we get those beautiful little air pockets in the bread. If there’s no sugar there’s very little rise. Now let’s talk type of sugar–both beet sugar and cane sugar are white sugars. Of these two, beet sugar is less inflammatory than cane sugar. If you are concerned about inflammation, I would go with beet sugar. It’s what I use when I cook and bake.

Refined coconut oil

The more ingredients a recipe has, the greater potential it contains allergen. Since we are using coconut milk and coconut flour in our Grain-Free Flour Blend, we’ll use refined coconut oil as our fat. One of the great things about using refined coconut oil, is it doesn’t taste like coconut. So we get a bread that tastes more like bread, and less like coconut!

We know one person’s safe food is another person’s allergen. If any of these ingredients are unsafe for you, please email me at I’ll be delighted to help you Break The Recipe!

We Did It!

We have a recipe for Marvelous Mini-Loaves, free of Grain, Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, and Corn! I can’t wait to hear how yours turn out. Bread baking is truly an exponential act. Your effort multiplies, your knowledge multiplies, and hopefully you’ll get to enjoy the company of a good friend or family member who can share these loaves with you.

Before You Go…

Thank you for reading, for trying this recipe, and for taking a chance on a recipe made with unique ingredients!

You’ll find it’s easy to make, and your body will feel much better after eating it. You will find your gluten-and grain loving friends going for seconds!

If you’re cooking this for someone with allergies, thank you again for supporting them. You’re an amazing friend. Pin this recipe so you can share it with those who need it, and find it later!

Please tell me how your recipe turned out when you make it. Click here to reach me directly. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest using the links below. I really enjoy your feedback and comments. I can’t wait to hear how your recipe turned out!

Come connect with others who cook without grains. Life’s better with Foodie Friends. We’d love to have you join us in Grain-Free Lifestyle And Support Community.

Wishing You Safe & Delicious Foods, ❤️ Nina

Marvelous Mini-Loaves (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Grain-Free) - Break A Recipe (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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