D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (2024)

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  • Diablo 4 Builds Tier List
  • Best Diablo 4 Builds
  • Rend Barbarian
  • Trample Landslide Druid
  • Stormwolf Druid
  • Penetrating Shot Rogue
  • Arc Lash Sorcerer
  • Ice Shards Sorcerer
  • Firewall Sorcerer
  • Good Diablo 4 Builds
  • Hammer Of The Ancients Barbarian
  • Conclusion

Ranking the top builds in Diablo 4 players are using in leveling and end-game content.

Whether you're leveling 1-50, stepping foot into Nightmare Dungeons, exploring the Tree of Whispers, conquering Helltide, farming the PvP Zone, or taking down formidable World Bosses, this tier list will guide you towards the most powerful and efficient builds.

In this tier list, builds are classified into different tiers based on their overall effectiveness and versatility. The higher tier builds possess the remarkable ability to power-level while progressing through World Tiers effortlessly. They excel in multiple activities, allowing players to swiftly and efficiently tackle various challenges throughout the game. On the other hand, the lower tier builds are not as strong as other builds overall, and only shine under certain circ*mstances and won't be the most optimal at pushing higher levels.

Whether you prefer unleashing devastating spells, wielding deadly weapons, summoning hordes of minions, or utilizing intricate combinations of skills, this tier list will help you find the perfect build to suit your playstyle and dominate the dark and treacherous world of Diablo 4.

Please keep in mind that this tier list is based on current knowledge and understanding of the game, and it's important to stay updated as Diablo 4 evolves. Without further ado, let's delve into the tiers and discover the builds that will pave your path to greatness in Diablo 4.

This tier list is current as of patch 1.0.2d.

Diablo 4 Builds Tier List

S Tier

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (1)

Whirlwind Barbarian

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (2)

Pulverize Druid

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (3)

Bone Spear Necromancer

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (4)

Bone Spirit Necromancer

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (5)

Trap Rogue

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (6)

Twisting Blades Rogue

A Tier

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (7)

Rend Barbarian

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (8)

Trample Landslide Druid

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (9)

Stormwolf Druid

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (10)

Penetrating Shot Rogue

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (11)

Arc Lash Sorcerer

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (12)

Ice Shards Sorcerer

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (13)

Firewall Sorcerer

B Tier

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (14)

Blood Surge Necromancer

C Tier

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (15)

Hammer Of The Ancients Barbarian

Best Diablo 4 Builds

S Tier Diablo 4 Builds

Whirlwind Barbarian

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (16)

War Cry

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (17)

Rallying Cry

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (18)

Challenging Shout

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (19)

Wrath of the Berserker

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (20)

Lunging Strike

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The Whirlwind build offers a multitude of advantages that make it an appealing choice. Firstly, its easy gameplay ensures that even beginners can quickly grasp its mechanics and enjoy the game. Additionally, it stands as one of the strongest builds available, allowing players to dominate their opponents with formidable power. Moreover, the build's unique ability to deal damage while moving adds an extra layer of versatility, enabling players to maintain constant pressure on enemies. Lastly, the gathering of monsters with taunt ensures efficient progression and a seamless hunting experience.

However, there are a few drawbacks to consider when opting for the Whirlwind build. Firstly, its small Area of Effect (AoE) limits the number of targets that can be hit simultaneously, potentially reducing its overall effectiveness in large-scale encounters. Secondly, the build's reliance on melee range puts players in close proximity to enemies, making them vulnerable to counterattacks. Additionally, the build's dependency on Fury can be a hindrance, as it requires players to manage their resources effectively. Lastly, while spinning in Whirlwind mode, movement speed is significantly reduced, potentially compromising mobility and evasiveness.

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Pulverize Druid

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



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Earthen Bulwark

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Debilitating Roar

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Grizzly Rage

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Earth Spike

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The Pulverize Druid build offers an uncomplicated and straightforward gameplay experience. It boasts an expansive area of effect, allowing players to unleash devastation across the battlefield. With its remarkably robust defense, this build can withstand a lot of incoming damage. Furthermore, the build exhibits relentless uptime, ensuring its devastating power is constantly available to obliterate foes.

However, it does come with a few drawbacks, demanding a significant amount of resources, and making efficient resource management crucial. Additionally, the build relies on lucky hit procs, introducing an element of chance that can sometimes be unpredictable. Furthermore, the build's single target capability is somewhat limited, requiring alternative strategies for focused engagements.

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Bone Spear Necromancer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (28)

Corpse Explosion

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Blood Mist

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Corpse Tendrils

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Bone Storm

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Bone Splinters

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Bone Spear

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The Necromancer bone spear build offers a powerful way to level to endgame content. With its effective AoE damage and strong offense and defense capabilities, this build unleashes devastating attacks that leave enemies trembling. The high-level gameplay is tough but makes every achievement and progression feel truly satisfying.

One notable drawback is its low mobility, limiting the necromancer's agility and maneuverability on the battlefield. Additionally, this build heavily relies on specific gear and careful itemization to maximize its potential. Reaching 100% crit chance can be a demanding task, adding an additional layer of complexity to the build.

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Bone Spirit Necromancer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4


Skill 5

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (34)

Corpse Explosion

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Blood Mist

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Corpse Tendrils

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Bone Storm

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Bone Spirit

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The Bone Spirit build for necromancers offers explosive power with a resounding blast. Its impressive area-of-effect damage wreaks havoc on groups of enemies, proving highly effective. The build showcases both offensive and defensive prowess, enabling necromancers to dominate the battlefield. This playstyle rewards experienced players seeking high-level gameplay.

On the downside, the bone spirit build suffers from limited mobility, hindering the necromancer's ability to swiftly maneuver in combat. Additionally, the build heavily relies on specific gear to maximize its potential. Engaging in combat with this build demands a bold and decisive approach since it operates on an all-or-nothing principle, leaving little room for hesitation. Furthermore, reaching a critical hit chance of 100% becomes a requirement for optimal performance, demanding careful attention to gear and stat allocation.

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Trap Rogue

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (40)

Poison Trap

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Death Trap

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D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (45)

Twisting Blades

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The Trap Rogue build unleashes devastating, colossal attacks that obliterate foes in an instant. Its explosive power is unmatched, decimating adversaries with massive nukes that leave nothing but ruins in their wake. Additionally, this build excels in crowd control as it effortlessly pulls in enemies, ensnaring them within its lethal trap network. Furthermore, the constant availability of ultimates ensures a relentless onslaught, overwhelming opponents and leaving them with no respite. With its remarkable group utility, this build becomes an invaluable asset, providing unparalleled support and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the team.

Its low defenses make it vulnerable to enemy assaults, requiring strategic positioning and evasive maneuvers to survive. The success of this build heavily relies on precise timing, demanding impeccable execution and split-second decision-making. While it thrives in certain scenarios, it struggles to push to higher levels, where more formidable adversaries await. Without the ultimate ability, the trap rogue's strength diminishes significantly, rendering it relatively weak and limited in its offensive capabilities.

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Twisting Blades Rogue

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (46)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (47)

Shadow Step

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D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (49)

Shadow Imbuement

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (50)

Dark Shroud

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Twisting Blades

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The Twisting Blades Rogue build offers an in-and-out playstyle, allowing players to swiftly engage enemies and retreat just as quickly. With its constant teleports, this build keeps opponents guessing and provides a dynamic combat experience. Mastering this build feels incredibly rewarding, as players execute swift strikes and evade danger with finesse. Furthermore, it stands out as one of the fastest builds, ensuring lightning-fast movement and swift takedowns.

The build does however have low defenses making it vulnerable to some attacks, requiring players to rely on their evasive maneuvers to stay alive. Additionally, this build can be quite challenging to master, demanding precision and quick decision-making from players. Although it excels in speed, it may struggle to push to high levels of power. Finally, while this build shines in engaging multiple targets, its focus on area damage can feel repetitive against single targets.

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Strong Diablo 4 Builds

A Tier Diablo 4 Builds

Rend Barbarian

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (52)

Rallying Cry

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (53)

Steel Grasp

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (54)

Death Blow

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (55)

Wrath Of The Berserker

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (56)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (57)


Link to Build

The Rend Barbarian build is a really fun build that keeps you engaged and has high single-target damage. The build seamlessly integrates bleeding effects, ensuring enemies meet their demise even as you swiftly move across the battlefield. It has great mobility through Charge.

Mastering this build requires precise timing and strategic thinking. The build heavily relies on Fury, making resource management a crucial aspect. Another drawback is the limited area of effect, which may pose difficulties in dealing with groups of enemies. As mobs are finished off with DoTs, loot tends to accumulate behind you requiring back tracing.

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Trample Landslide Druid

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (58)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (59)

Poison Creeper

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (60)

Earthen Bulwark

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D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (63)


Link to Build

This Trample Landslide Druid build combines excellent synergy between skills and aspects to provide a very strong and beefy bear. The build is incredibly strong at Area of Effect encounters and takes out the entire screen with a few simple button presses. It's a great build for leveling quickly and powering through end-game content with ease. Fortunately, the build doesn't require and uniques making it easier to obtain.

The build is very simple once you've obtained the right legendary aspects Aspect of The Aftershock and Aspect of the Trampled Earth. And while it provides a satisfying multi-target experience, the single-target component is lackluster. You won't be dying any time soon, but neither will the boss; strap in for the long haul!

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Stormwolf Druid

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (64)

Earthen Bulwark

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (65)

Blood Howl

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Grizzly Rage

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Storm Strike

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The Stormwolf Druid build offers an engaging gameplay experience with a wide range of synergies between Storm, Earth, and Werewolf skills, as well as various legendaries and the skill tree. It combines simplicity with ranged combat, allowing players to unleash massive area-of-effect damage and deal significant single-target damage. With its permanent Werewolf form and 100% crit chance, the build grants high mobility and plentiful self-healing, bolstered further by the Tempest Roar unique and the tankiness boost from Temerity. Getting a constant uptime on Grizzly Rage and guaranteeing devastating critical hits with Earthen Might is the goal but can be difficult to maintain at times.

Players should be mindful that the build is fairly squishy, lacking in defense against bosses where other builds prevail. It lacks an active mobility skill and the reliance on lucky hit procs hampers the build. It's particularly vulnerable to the Suppressor Elite Affix. Despite these challenges, the Stormwolf Druid build offers an interesting and dynamic playstyle that rewards skillful execution.

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Penetrating Shot Rogue

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (70)

Poison Imbuement

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (71)

Dark Shroud

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (72)

Shadow Step

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (73)

Poison Trap

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (74)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (75)

Penetrating Shot

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The Penetrating Shot rogue build offers an uncomplicated concept, making it easily accessible for players. It excels in swiftly clearing areas with its impressive AoE capabilities, proving to be a formidable force. With its long-range prowess, this build shines as a sharpshooter, delivering devastating bursts of damage that leave enemies reeling.

However, this playstyle tends to be more methodical, resulting in a slower-paced experience. The build is unforgiving when shots are missed, as each one carries significant consequences. Additionally, managing cooldowns becomes a balancing act, requiring careful consideration and timing.

As a starter ranged combo point build for rogues, it lacks the double mobility skills found in other rogue builds, limiting its maneuverability. Its crowd control options are limited to the slow effect of Puncture and the stun from Shadow Step. To optimize this build, players should keep an eye out for specific abilities such as Accelerating Aspect, Aspect of Bursting Venoms, Mangler's Aspect, Toxic Alchemist's Aspect, and Umbrous Aspect, which synergize well with its playstyle.

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Arc Lash Sorcerer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (76)

Frost Nova

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (77)

Ice Armor

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (78)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (79)

Unstable Currents

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (80)

Arc Lash

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (81)

Chain Lightning

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The Arc Lash sorcerer build boasts impressive durability, making it quite resilient in combat. It exhibits exceptional agility, granting unparalleled mobility on the battlefield. Unlike other sorcerer builds, it does not rely on mana, providing a unique advantage. Moreover, its damage output is astonishingly high, ensuring swift elimination of foes.

Although the Arc Lash sorcerer build excels in various areas, it falls short in melee combat, lacking effectiveness up close. It demands a significant investment in diverse stats, necessitating careful resource allocation. While its area of effect is respectable, it is relatively limited compared to other builds. Additionally, its damage potential requires time to reach its peak, which may be a drawback in fast-paced encounters.

The Arc Lash sorcerer build offers an accessible and economical option for beginners, as it does not heavily rely on rare and costly items. Players are advised to keep an eye out for the Mage-Lord's Aspect, a valuable asset to enhance this build. During the midgame phase, codex legendaries are suitable upgrades to consider for progression.

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Ice Shards Sorcerer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (82)

Ice Armor

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (83)

Frost Nova

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (84)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (85)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (86)

Frost Bolt

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (87)

Ice Shards

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The Ice Shards Sorcerer build boasts exceptional mobility, allowing players to swiftly maneuver through encounters. Its long-range capabilities ensure a safe distance from enemies, enhancing survivability. With high burst damage, foes stand little chance against the sorcerer's devastating attacks. The build excels in duels, proving to be a formidable opponent against single targets.

While it possesses impressive offensive potential, the sorcerer is quite squishy. Additionally, the build's reliance on mana can be problematic, often leading to resource depletion in intense battles. It also falls short in terms of area-of-effect clearing, limiting its efficiency against multiple foes. Furthermore, visually, the build lacks the grandeur and spectacle associated with some other sorcerer builds.

On the positive side, this build offers ease of play, with a consistent barrier uptime, reliable vulnerability infliction, and an abundance of crowd control options. As mana management improves, the Flame Shield replaces the Basic skill, further enhancing the build's defensive capabilities. As you progress, be sure to acquire the Frostblitz Aspect, Aspect of Frozen Memories, and Conceited Aspect, which synergize well with this playstyle.

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Firewall Sorcerer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (88)

Frost Nova

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (89)

Flame Shield

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D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (91)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (92)

Fire Wall

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (93)

Fire Bolt

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The Firewall Sorcerer build boasts exceptional area-of-effect prowess, enveloping foes in a scorching flame snake with remarkable efficiency. Its tankiness and comfortability make it an ideal choice for those seeking survivability. The build is strong right from the early stages.

However, the build suffers from a sluggish damage output, hindering its effectiveness in swiftly dispatching enemies. Its vulnerability to opponents with high mobility presents a significant challenge, as their agility can easily evade the Firewall's destructive reach. Moreover, the build struggles with delivering substantial damage to single targets, limiting its effectiveness against individual foes. As the endgame approaches, the Firewall Sorcerer build pales in comparison to other builds, as its scaling capabilities prove to be inferior.

Despite these drawbacks, the Firewall Sorcerer build shines as a low-budget starter option that doesn't rely on legendary or unique items. Unlike other builds that heavily depend on such items for power, this build offers a viable alternative for resourceful adventurers. During the Inferno window, its damage potential skyrockets. Keep an eye out for Serpentine Aspect and Aspect of Engulfing Flame, valuable additions to augment the build's performance.

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Good Diablo 4 Builds

B Tier Diablo 4 Builds

Blood Surge Necromancer

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (94)

Blood Mist

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (95)

Corpse Explosion

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (96)

Corpse Tendrils

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (97)

Army Of The Dead

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (98)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (99)

Blood Surge

Link to Build

The Blood Surge Necromancer build is a robust and durable character, capable of dealing substantial damage. With its sturdy and resilient nature, this build excels at withstanding attacks while also delivering devastating blows. It boasts an impressive amount of Life and Fortify, leading to its high Overpower damage which enables devastating attacks that can decimate foes in an instant.

This build is an innovative creation, centered around the Deathspeaker's Pendant unique item. It exhibits remarkable reliability in triggering Overpower, guaranteeing consistent and potent damage output. Additionally, the Blood Surge Necromancer build incorporates a plethora of healing and defensive tools, further enhancing its survivability. This abundance of defensive mechanisms ensures that the character can endure extended battles and sustain themselves amidst intense encounters.

Overall, the Blood Surge Necromancer build offers a well-rounded and formidable playstyle, characterized by its resilience, high damage potential, and defensive capabilities. It is an enticing option for players seeking a reliable and potent build that can withstand formidable challenges and emerge victorious.

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Decent Diablo 4 Builds

C Tier Diablo 4 Builds

Hammer Of The Ancients Barbarian

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4



D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (100)

War Cry

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (101)

Rallying Cry

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (102)

Ground Stomp

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (103)

Wrath Of The Berserker

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (104)


D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (105)

Hammer Of The Ancients

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The Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build delivers devastating blows with immense force, ensuring every strike is a bone-crushing assault. It boasts an incredibly efficient resource consumption, requiring minimal Fury to unleash its destructive power. In group play, this build ascends to god-like status, wreaking havoc on multiple enemies simultaneously. Its impressive lucky hit chance amplifies the thrill of obliterating foes with massive critical strikes.

While formidable in close quarters combat, the Hammer of the Ancients build suffers from limited reach, restricting its effectiveness against distant adversaries. When facing single targets, its performance is average, lacking the same overwhelming impact as it has against groups. The build's damage output remains lackluster when Fury levels are low, necessitating careful resource management. Additionally, this build requires the use of bludgeoning weapons exclusively.

The power of the Hammer of the Ancients build grows exponentially alongside the Barbarian's Maximum Fury and Stun capabilities. Fury management poses no problem later in end-game content with a triple shout setup. Equipping the recommended unique items significantly boosts the build's overall potency. To enhance durability, players should seek out amulets and chest armor with bonuses to the ranks of Challenging Shout, significantly fortifying their toughness.

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All of the builds listed above are competitive builds that can be played with a good amount of success. There are countless other builds and variations to the above builds that players can create. Depending on the player's level and gear will change the build that a player is trying to achieve. Any other builds that aren't displayed are either a minor variation of the main builds above or simply aren't strong enough to be listed.

D4 | Diablo 4 Best Builds Tier List (2024)
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