Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • The even heat of the oven cooks large batches of bacon with minimal fuss.
  • By choosing the right cooking method, you can get bacon any way you like it.

Cooking bacon for one or two people is easy: Just grab a pan and cook over moderately low heat until it's as crisp as you want it. The problem comes when you're trying to cook bacon for a crowd. Even large round pans are not made for accommodating more than a few slices, and not everyone has agriddleresting on their stovetop for these situations.

Those are the times when we either decide to skip bacon at breakfast (inconceivable!) or switch on the oven.

But what's the best way to actually cook bacon in the oven?

I tested four common methods of cooking bacon in the oven, then compared the results:

  • Directly on a rimmed baking sheet.
  • On a rack set in a rimmed baking sheet.
  • On a crimped piece of aluminum foil set in a rimmed baking sheet.
  • Sandwiched between two baking sheets lined with parchment paper.

Good news: Turns out the best method is actually the easiest as well. Don't bother with racks, crimped foil, or stacked baking sheets; just lay out your bacon strips on arimmed baking sheetand bake them in a 425°F (220°C) oven until they're as crisp as you like (about 20 minutes was right for me). Drain on paper towels, and you've got a big pile of perfectly cooked bacon on your hands. If you want to make cleanup easier (and you probably do), lining the tray with heavy-duty foil doesn't affect cooking and makes cleanup a snap.

That said, you might like your bacon cooked a little differently from me, so one of these other methods may be more appealing. Here are my notes.

A Note on Temperature

Before testing each individual method, I did a quick series of tests to determine a good oven temperature for baking bacon. I cooked bacon on crimped aluminum foil set in rimmed baking sheets at four different oven temperatures—325, 375, 425, and 475°F (or 160, 190, 220, and 250°C)—cooking each batch until it was crisp and well browned. At lower oven temperatures—325 and 375°F—cooking took alongtime, 50 minutes and 35 minutes, respectively. At 425°F, it took about 20 minutes, while cooking at 475°F left me with bacon that was threatening to burn in spots and still undercooked in others after just 15 minutes. Clearly, the highest temperature was out.

Between 425°F bacon and 375°F bacon, there was a pretty significant difference in texture. The bacon cooked at a lower temperature was more tender, nearly dissolving in my mouth as I ate it. At 425°F, the bacon retained a lot more of its meaty chew. Personally, I kind of liked the melty quality of the lower-temperature bacons, but Adri, my wife, did not, pulling a face as she tasted.

These texture changes make sense. Tough connective tissue in both the fat and the lean sections of bacon tenderizes with extended cooking, so the longer you take to crisp the bacon, the more tender it's going to be. This is useful information no matter how you're cooking bacon: Whether it's on a stovetop or in the oven, going low and slow will produce bacon that's more likely to melt in your mouth, while higher temperatures will give your bacon more of a crisp-chewy dynamic.

At the behest of my wife, I decided to go with 425°F for the rest of my tests. (To be frank, 35 minutes is an awfully long time to wait for good bacon anyway.)

Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (1)

My Favorite: Directly on a Baking Sheet

This is my favorite method. Not only is it the easiest, it also produces the crispest, most well-browned bacon (for visual proof, see the photo at the top of this page). True, the bacon fries in its own fat as it's cooking, which means that blotting on paper towels afterward is essential. That said, the bacon doesn't taste any greasier than other samples. In fact, the fat helps it to cook more evenly, while also protecting it from drying out or turning leathery. Of all the methods, the results from this one are most similar to bacon cooked low and slow on a griddle or stovetop.

Texture:Crisp, with a few lightly chewy bits. Fatty areas that melt nicely as you chew. Good browned flavor. Even browning, with a little buckling in the individual strips.
Ease of Setup:Very easy.
Ease of Cleanup:Very easy. (One tray to clean; nothing to clean if you use foil.)

Don't Bother: On a Wire Rack

Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (2)

Many folks recommend cooking bacon on a wire rack, with the idea that allowing fat to drain will leave the bacon less greasy. In practice, the bacon tastes no less greasy when it's compared side by side with bacon cooked directly on the tray. Because there's no constant contact with fat, some bits are also a little prone to drying out, and turn tougher and chewier.

There's a bigger problem, though, and that's cleanup:

Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (3)

Those wire racks are a pain in the butt to clean, especially when we're talking sticky bacon drippings. You need to get into each individual intersection for cleaning, and it really does a number in terms of wear and tear on your sponge or brush. No thank you.

Texture:Moderately crisp, with a few tough, chewy bits. Good browned flavor. Fatty areas tend to brown before leaner areas due to draining.
Ease of Setup:Very easy.
Ease of Cleanup:Very difficult.

For the Chewy-Bacon Lover: On a Crimped Piece of Foil

Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (4)

This is a technique I first saw used byChef John of Food Wishes. The idea is that you fold up a piece of aluminum foil accordion-style, with one-inch pleats, then place it in a tray (I also folded up the edges to retain drippings) and lay the bacon on top of it. This elevates the bacon as a rack would, while minimizing cleanup.

It's a really neat and innovative approach. The only problem is that I'm not crazy about the results. As with rack-cooked bacon, allowing the drippings to fall away from the strips makes them cook up a little tougher and more unevenly. Even when it's fully browned, the fatty bits stay relatively moist and the lean bits end up meaty, bordering on tough. I know that there are folks who like their bacon this way. This method is for you.

Texture:Great for chewy-bacon lovers. A few crisp bits, but mostly meaty, with soft interiors.
Ease of Setup:Moderate. Crimping the foil takes some time, though it's not difficult.
Ease of Cleanup:Very easy. (Nothing to clean if you crimp the ends of the foil.)

For Sandwiches and Burgers: Between Two Baking Sheets

For this method, I line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, place bacon on top of it, top with another sheet of parchment, then place a second tray on top before throwing it all in the oven. (You can also line the bottom pan with a piece of foil before adding the first parchment sheet, for easier cleanup.) This technique results in extremely well-rendered and evenly browned and crisp bacon—keeping it flat means the bacon is essentially shallow-frying in its own fat the whole time—as well as bacon that lies completely flat. The only downside is that, because evaporation is inhibited, it takes longer to crisp, about 25 to 30 minutes.

Why would you everwantflat bacon, you ask? It's mainly a boon for sandwiches and burgers, because it makes the bacon much easier to stack.BLTs for a crowd?This is the technique for you. It's also a great way to keep a bacon weave nice and flat as it bakes, like I did for myultimate bacon cheeseburgers.

Texture:Very crisp and evenly browned, with a few lightly chewy bits. Completely flat, with fat that melts as you chew.
Ease of Setup:Moderate.
Ease of Cleanup:Moderate. (The bottom tray comes out clean; the top tray might have a little bacon grease on its underside.)

In the market for better bacon? These are ourfavorite bacon brandsthat you can likely find at your local grocery store.

October 2016

Recipe Details

Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe

Prep5 mins

Cook20 mins

Active3 mins

Total25 mins

Serves4to 6 servings


  • 12 slices bacon


  1. Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 425°F (220°C). (If doubling recipe, adjust 2 racks to upper- and lower-middle positions; see notes.)

  2. For Crisp, Wavy Bacon: Line a 13- by 18-inch rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Arrange bacon strips on pan, overlapping as little as possible. Bake bacon for 10 minutes. Rotate pan and continue baking until bacon is as browned as you like it, 5 to 10 minutes longer for thin-cut or 10 to 15 minutes longer for thick-cut. Remove bacon from oven, transfer to a paper towel–lined plate to drain, and serve.

    Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (5)

  3. For Chewy-Crisp Bacon: Tear off a 13- by 30-inch piece of aluminum foil and crimp it, accordion-style, into 1-inch sections. Stretch out foil and place it on a 13- by 18-inch rimmed baking sheet, folding up edges to catch drips. Arrange bacon strips on foil, overlapping as little as possible. Bake bacon for 10 minutes. Rotate pan and continue baking until bacon is as browned as you like it, 5 to 10 minutes longer for thin-cut, or 10 to 15 minutes longer for thick-cut. Remove bacon from oven, transfer to a paper towel–lined plate to drain, and serve.

    Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (6)

  4. For Crisp, Flat Bacon for Sandwiches and Burgers: Line a 13- by 18-inch rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and top with a sheet of parchment paper. Arrange bacon strips on tray, overlapping as little as possible. Top with a second sheet of parchment paper; place a second baking sheet on top. Bake bacon until it's as crisp as you like it, 25 to 30 minutes for thin-cut, or 30 to 35 minutes for thick-cut. Remove trays from oven, carefully remove top tray using tongs and an oven mitt, transfer bacon to a paper towel–lined plate to drain, and serve.

    Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (7)

Special Equipment

13- by 18-inch rimmed baking sheet, wire rack (optional)


To double the batch, use two trays on two oven racks, rotating top to bottom and back to front halfway through cooking. The cooking time may need to be extended by five to eight minutes if you're cooking two trays.

If your oven has a convection setting, use it, reducing the total cooking time by a few minutes.

Read More

  • All the Best Ways to Cook Bacon (And All the Ways Not To)
  • Taste Test: The Best Supermarket Bacon
  • Bacon, Pancetta, and More: Cured Pork Products and How to Cook With Them
  • Overnight Sous Vide Bacon
  • The Best BLT Sandwich
  • Bacon
  • Roasting
Baked Bacon for a Crowd Recipe (2024)


What is the best way to cook bacon in bulk? ›

Don't bother with racks, crimped foil, or stacked baking sheets; just lay out your bacon strips on a rimmed baking sheet and bake them in a 425°F (220°C) oven until they're as crisp as you like (about 20 minutes was right for me). Drain on paper towels, and you've got a big pile of perfectly cooked bacon on your hands.

Can you cook bacon ahead of time for a party? ›

Bacon can be baked 3 to 4 days ahead of time. When ready to use, wrap a few bacon slices in a fresh paper towel and re-warm bacon in microwave for approximately 10 seconds just before serving.

How do you keep bacon warm for a crowd? ›

Don't fret! Instead, turn to the oven to keep those tantalizing strips crunchy and warm. Whether you prefer to microwave, pan-fry, or bake your bacon, the oven will allow you to keep your bacon crispy for up to a few hours. Set the temperature to 200ºF and center a baking rack.

How much bacon do I need for 20 people? ›

Plan for about 1 pound of bacon for every 3 to 4 people, and know that you can fit about a pound of bacon on a half-sheet pan (a.k.a. about the size of your garden-variety cookie sheet). Preheat the oven to 400° F and line a rimmed (it really needs to be rimmed) sheet pan with foil.

How to cook a lot of bacon at once without? ›

Oven or microwave. In the oven, place bacon on a cookie sheet with sides. Cover with foil, so that the oil won't smoke the house up and pop all over your oven. Cook for about 10–15 minutes at about 400 degree.

What is the fastest way to cook a lot of bacon? ›

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  2. Arrange the bacon in a single layer on the prepared sheet with the edges touching or slightly overlapping.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven to desired degree of doneness, 10 to 15 minutes.

How do you keep bacon crispy for a buffet? ›

Use your slow cooker. To keep bacon strips crisp in a Crock-Pot, just set it to warm, give the insert a spritz of cooking spray and pop the bacon in. You can also use a chafing dish and serve the bacon buffet-style if you're cooking for a crowd.

How do you reheat bacon without drying it out? ›

Place a few layers of paper towels on a microwave-safe plate. Arrange the leftover bacon on the paper towels. Cover the bacon with another layer of paper towels to absorb excess moisture. Microwave the bacon on medium power for 20-30 seconds per slice until heated.

Should bacon be cold or room temperature before cooking? ›

In order for the meat and fat in your bacon to cook evenly, they have to be at the same temperature. The fat retains the cold longer than the meat, so letting it sit at room temp for 15 minutes before you start cooking will help produce a more evenly cooked piece of bacon.

Is it better to bake bacon at 350 or 400? ›

Bacon should be cooked at 400°F.

Medium-thick bacon slices will need 18 to 20 minutes to reach the perfect level of crispiness. But check the bacon at 10 minutes, and adjust your cooking time to your preferred degree of doneness.

Do you need to flip bacon in the oven? ›

Step away for a minute to slice a tomato for a BLT and your bacon could throw a toddler-level tantrum. But oven-cooked bacon allows you to live your life for 18 minutes or so while the pork does its thing. You don't have to flip it, press it, or shield your kitchen from grease.

What temperature do you bake bacon at? ›

Regular, thin-cut bacon will typically bake in 12 minutes at 400 degrees F. If you want it extra crispy, you can let it bake a little longer, but keep a close eye on it. For Thick-Cut Bacon. Thicker bacon will take 14 to 20 minutes, depending upon your thickness and how crisp you would like it to be.

How to fry large amounts of bacon? ›

So, for large batches, I usually just place a large wire wrack of bacon in the oven over a pan to catch the drippings. 425 F for 20 minutes, plus/minus 2-3 minutes depending on the cut thickness. Try a double griddle. The middle is not going to cook as fast but just let it cook a little longer.

Is it better to cook bacon in the oven or on the stove? ›

Cooking bacon in the oven gives you perfectly crispy slices without any flipping or fussing, and the cleanup is superspeedy. It's also the best way to make bacon for a crowd. You can cook the bacon directly on aluminum foil-lined baking sheets or on a wire rack set on top of the baking sheets.

How do most restaurants cook bacon? ›

The secret is pre-cooking your bacon

Regardless of the perfect meat-to-fat ratio and peak freshness, the real secret to diner-worthy bacon is the cooking method. According to Epicurious, par-cooking it in the oven is the preferred method of many restaurant owners.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.